
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Etiquette is Like an Ameoba

Wedding etiquette is like an amoeba. I am sure you are tilting you head in the "What the heck is she on?" kind of way. But what I mean is that through, space, time, environment and background, the etiquette of the standard nuptial ceremony and the falderal leading up to and after it, is changing constantly.

Obviously, some things are so standard that it has been written in stone. Thank you cards are a great example. I have friends who are also in this industry, some of whom state that Thank You cards need not match your wedding suite, so long as they are sent because of all the changes that occur with etiquette. I agree.

You can always use a thank you card at sometime to express your gratitude to somebody.

And so fanfare follows with these sweeties:

Who doesn't think a letterpress card is the most polished elegant thing ever?
Something personalized is always beautiful.
With tons of drive and time (who has either of those?) you could opt for this spectacular DIY. Claire over at Fellow Fellow made these. They really are fantastic!
This entire thank you suite on Etsy is so super charming. It is the type of thank you that defines the whimsy of a couple.
Our wedding was very international. I married a very handsome, kind Turkish man. We had people from Turkey (obv.), Germany, Italy, Russia, Bulgaria, Ireland, Scotland and England all in attendance at our wedding. A little twist with some linguistics is unexpected and charming! You could always ask the artist to personalize it with whatever "gracias" language you prefer.

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